:bdg-link-primary:`Google Scholar ` :bdg-link-primary:`ORCiD ` :bdg-link-primary:`GitHub ` Excitations glasses =================== In amorphous materials, groups of particles can rearrange locally into a new stable configuration. Such elementary excitations are key as they determine the response to external stresses :footcite:`Ji2019`, as well as to thermal and quantum fluctuations :footcite:`Ji2020`. Yet, understanding what controls their geometry remains a challenge. We build a scaling description of the geometry and energy of low-energy excitations in terms of the distance to an instability, as predicted for instance at the dynamical transition in mean field approaches of supercooled liquids :footcite:`Ji2022`. We successfully test our predictions in ultrastable computer glasses, with a gapped and ungapped (regular) spectrum. Our approach explains why excitations become less extended, with a higher energy and displacement scale upon cooling. **Selected publications** .. footbibliography::